Zhiqing Wan

Twos and Hands Meaning in The Rings of Power

“Twos and hands” is simply a call for a group of people to pair up, and to make sure to hold hands so that they don’t lose one another. In the first episode of The Rings of Power, we get our first glimpse of the Harfoots early on, and one Harfoot in particular, Nori, is seen leading a group through the wilds to eat some berries. However, she soon realizes that there may be a wolf lurking about, and quickly asks everyone to get up and leave. In doing so, she shouts, “Twos and hands, everyone!” After that, we see the Harfoots slowly file out of the area in pairs, and holding hands. Nori’s basically implementing a buddy system here to make sure that everyone can keep track of each other and not get lose while leaving the area. And there you have it: that’s the meaning of “twos and hands” in The Rings of Power. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more news and information on the show, including when the series takes place, and whether Sam and Frodo are in the show.

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What  Twos and Hands  Means in The Rings of Power - 18