Zhiqing Wan
Sign of the Shadow Solution for Sasa Kai Shrine
To solve the riddle, simply be at the metal plate at 1500 hours in-game Breath of the Wild time. As the sun rises overhead, step onto the metal plate and fire an arrow straight at the sun above you. Doing so successfully will trigger a cutscene, and you’ll see the Sasa Kai Shrine rise up from the ground next to you. We’ve also heard reports of this working if you shoot at the moon at 1am, but we haven’t had the chance to test this solution just yet. But from our experience, shooting at the sun at 3pm should work just fine. Now, simply enter the Shrine, clear its trial, and you’ll gain another Spirit Orb. Be sure to check back with Twinfinite and our ever-expanding wiki for more tips, tricks, and information on Breath of the Wild.