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Before the launch, there will also be a closed pre-launch beta that will kick off on March 28. If you are not familiar with the premise, the 4v4 multiplayer game will have players be either the ghosts or ghost hunters. The former will need to hide within the furniture found around the location and attack the hunters, whereas the latter are seeking out said ghosts and must destroy them before midnight arrives.
Should the hunters fail, all the eliminated ghosts will return as vengeful spirits at midnight, and begin hunting down the ghost hunters instead. Survive the onslaught, and you may live to see another day.
“We’re so excited to unleash Midnight Ghost Hunt into the world,” said Sam Malone, creator and lead developer at Vaulted Sky Games. “It’s been such a labour of love and we can’t wait to see what crazy tactics new players come up with together – ones that even we haven’t thought of!”
If you are keen to start a career in hunting ghosts or being the spooky ones, be sure to take note when Midnight Ghost Hunt arrives on Steam Early Access this coming March 31.